The Personalized Trauma Healing System™ is curated lifestyle design specifically to help trauma survivors be intentional in their healing and find deeper post-traumatic growth.

Finding a regimen of self-care and using the power of self-focus is key to thriving - even while still in your trauma healing journey. Widening your window of tolerance, you can grow in your capacity for joy and ease during the process.

We know the trauma recovery road can be a difficult and ongoing labyrinth. The “PTH” System helps you find the path of least resistance and allows for more abundance and peace in your day to day life.

Learn more about how the PTH System can benefit you & your clients,
take this short personal assessment.

The vision of the Personalized Trauma Healing System™ is for all survivors to be able to access ease, abundance, joy, and peace as they crawl, walk, or run through their healing journey. I know personally some days feel like muddling through treacherous terrain and some days feel like everything is smooth and easy. This system curates lifestyle in a way that allows you to get off the emotional and psychological rollercoaster of your healing so you can live an abundant life even while deep healing is still happening. Stability, a regimen of self-care, introspection, and joy are available - no matter how hard some of the days may be.

Sara introduces her new program and why her passion has led her to create this system for survivors.

Current Offerings

  • To learn more about the passion, purpose, and products, check out the next complimentary no-obligation 30-minute webinar - with a short Q&A afterwards.

  • If you are ready to dive into learning more about curated lifestyle design and intentional healing modalities for yourself or your clients, register for the next 12-week Masterclass.

  • If you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and your healing, get started with a 12-week private package where the system will be curated to your personal journey.

Sara discusses more in-depth how lifestyle design and the “Joy Scale” are utilized in her new program, Personalized Trauma Healing System™

The Personalized Trauma Healing System™ uses pillars of day to day life (emotional health, sleep, activity level, socialization, play and creativity, rest, sexual well-being, attachment style, spirituality, culture, career, purpose, future dreams and goals, finances, habits, values, growth, mindfulness, and more) to assess areas of struggle or deficit that are hindering a survivor’s access to abundance, joy, and ease of life. Curating lifestyle design allows a survivor to build consistency through accountability in areas that they personally want to grow and improve in. The entire program is personalized to be client-led, client-focused, goal-oriented, to match the client’s desires with the abilities and the place they are in their journey.

Still not sure or need more info? Don’t see an available Webinar to jump into?Missed the Masterclass and need to know more?
Reach out to speak with me directly.

If you believe the Personalized Trauma Healing System™ is a benefit to survivors no matter their financial status, would you consider donating toward the Scholarship Fund so that I am able to offer programs to those on a needs based situation.
*All donations will contribute to low income participant scholarships.